Sunday, April 10, 2016

Wed, Mar 9, 2016

hola familia! como estan?

bueno este semana fue genial! tuvimos muchas experiencias buenas!

first of all ill start with ingrid. we had another lesson with her in the bishops house and it was scary! last week she had lost her purse that had everything in it and she prayed to god for help but she felt he didnt listen so she pretty had lost a lot of faith. she was having a hard time but we helped her out with that. it was just a bad day for her. a couple days later we had a family home evening in the church as a ward and i called her and invited her and her daughter to come. at the end of the lesson, everyone went over and started talking to them. it was awesome! the bishop and his first counselor were talking to her at first and then one person after another started joining the conversation. after about 30 minutes of people talking to them, i see the fist councelor lead ingrid over to a door to show her what was inside. inside the door was the baptismal font!!!!! she thought it was awesome! we are going to teach them again this friday so i should be good!

that is proof that all members of the church are MISSIONARIES. simple little acts like that are missionary work. being a friend, saying hello to someone, inviting people to church, etc.
missionary work never stops. we must always look for opportunities to serve our heavenly father. show him how much we love him by serving him and brigning others to him.
he blesses us with countless blessings. our job is to share our happiness with others so they too can recive the blessing this gospel brings.

i know that everyone back there at home knows at least one person that needs this gospel in their lives, because everyone needs this gospel! go up to that person you know who is in the most need and INVITE them. that is the missionary purpose. INVITE otheres to come unto christ.

also if there is someone you know who does not attend church this week, work as an AGENT and go find them after church to see how they are doing. elder bednar told all of us missionaries here in the south america south area that over half of the people who did not attend last week, would attend the next if we go out and find those who were not present.

i love you all and i hope you have an amazing week!
With lots of love,
-Elder Sims

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