Sunday, April 10, 2016

Wed, Feb 10, 2016

Hola Familia!

So a few days ago I completed 4 moths since being out on the mission, so thats exciting!   I also "killed" my Trainer, Elder Zapata!  He is home with his family in Antofagasta!  Killing on the mission really is hard cause it makes you miss your family so much...but hey, my time will come in 20 more months... yep.

Oh also I got a new companion!!!!  His name is Elder Curtis from California!  He is super tall and he has 5 months left in the mission.  He is a pretty chill guy.  Since he is new to the sector I have to lead it so thats actually a lot of fun choosing what we do.  Don't worry, we work hard.

So I have been through so much already in my mission and it is only the beginning!

This is the hardest thing I have ever done in my life... learning a whole new language, adjusting and living in a different culture, being away from all my loved ones at home, always having a packed schedule, needing to wake up early, getting rejected by people, looking like a fool 24/7 because I have a hard time understanding and speaking the language with people, living with the same person for a long period of time, losing investigators, and soooo much more.  There are so many challenges in the mission. so many things that make you get out of your comfort zone, but I know that all these challenges and difficulties are gifts from my Heavenly Father.  They are gifts because he wants me to grow. to learn. and to become more like him.

I can testify that all obstacals in our lives are opportunities for us to grow.  If we ever fall, we will learn how to get back up.  The lord is our gardener, and he has a place for all of us in his garden.  He may choose to cut us down, so that we may grow into something much more marvelous.  We must realize that he has a plan and a place for all of us, and if we ever make a mistake, we can rely on the Atonement and repentance to change us in our hearts to become some much more than we were before.  That is part of our purpose here on earth, to grow, rely on the Atonement of Jesus Christ, to change through repentance, to become like our Father in Heaven. He loves all of us and wants us to grow and become like him.  Through the trials we face we will become stronger.

With lots of love,
-Elder Sims

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